Ignatz Schischa / Isak, Sohn des David (Schischa), 05. Siwan 5645 (Dienstag, 19. Mai 1885)
Das Sterbedatum wird in der hebräischen Inschrift mit “Dienstag, Erev Schawuot (Vorabend von Schawuot)” ביום ג ערב שבועות angegeben und das ist der 05. Siwan (und nicht der 06. Siwan, wie Öhler schreibt! Abgesehen davon, dass der 06. Siwan ein Mittwoch wäre).
In der hebräischen Inschrift lesen wir in der Zeile 3 (groß geschrieben) bloß “Itzik, Sohn des e(hrbaren) H(errn) David, s(ein Andenken) m(öge bewahrt werden)” איצק בן כ”ה דוד ז”ל. “Itzik” ist die jiddische Form des hebräischen Namens “Jitzchak/Isak”, den wir im Akrostichon (s.u.) finden.
Der Nachname Schischa wurde aus den Matriken ergänzt.
Als Akrostichon finden sich in der Inschrift von Zeile 5-8 sein Vorname “Isak” יצחק und in Zeile 9 und 10 der Segenswunsch “s(ein Andenken) m(öge bewahrt werden)” ז”ל.
Biografische Notizen
Sterbematriken: Ignatz (Isak) Schischa, geb. in Mattersdorf, Handelsmann, gest. 19. Mai 1885, mit 59 Jahren an Heftika (sic!, gemeint ist wohl “Hektika” (Nervenkrankheit?)), in Forchtenau (bei Mattersburg)
Ehefrau: Pessl Schischa, gest. 09. September 1917
Sohn: Samuel Schischa, gest. 18. Februar 1927, siehe dazu den Kommentar von Carole Vogel!
Personenregister jüdischer Friedhof Mattersburg
The tombstone images of his wife Pessl Trebitsch Schischa and son Samuel Schischa are posted in this blog.
Very grateful to be able to print out this information for my children. It is amazing to me, who grew up in a distant place to see the evidence of my ancestors’ existence.
Isak (Ignatz) Schischa was the son of David Schischa and Fani (Fegela). He was born circa 3 Oct 1826. He married Pessl (Josepha) Trebitsch, the daughter of Gabriel Trebitsch, in January 1853. They lived in Forchtenstein and had five children:
1. Fani Schischa, born in October 1853
2. Marie Schischa, born circa 1854
3. Sophie (Sissel) Schischa married Rabbi Simon Klein in 1890.
4. David Schischa born in 1858
5. Samuel Schischa who married Jehudess Leitner.
He was the brother of Meir Loeb Schischa whose gravestone is shown on this blog, and of Hani (Chane) Loewy who was the wife of Mordechai Loewy of Mattersdorf and Gloggnitz. Mordechai Loewy was the brother of my great-great-grandfather.
Yitzchok Stroh translated the Hebrew inscription on the gravestone. (However any transcription errors are mine as I quickly wrote down the translation while we spoke on the phone.)
Isak Schischa gravestone transcription:
He passed away on Tuesday the day before Shavuot 5645. The departed the honorable g-d-fearing Itzik the son of the honorable David Z’L; He departed his world with a good name with the good deeds he acquired; he took good baggage when he went on his way. He was graced with complete faith and the pure prayers which he did. His end came near when he was still young. From his tent he was removed. His memory from his children will not be forgotten. His light will shine forever. Until he wakes up at the end of days he will rest peacefully. His mother’s name was Fegela.
Good morning Carole,
the translation of Mr. Stroh is perfect, no transcription errors!
Once more, thank you so much for your great cooperation! :-)
Have you seen the comment of Mr. Deutsch? Do you know the answer?: