Simon Löwy, 17. Kislew 5647 (Dienstag, 14. Dezember 1886)
Laut hebräischer Inschrift (5. Zeile) wurde Simon Löwy auch am 17. Kislew (14. Dezember) begraben: “starb und wurde begraben” נ”ו”נ (Abkürzung für נפטר ונקבר).
Vorname und Nachname des Verstorbenen finden sich als Akrostichon in der Inschrift von Zeile 7-16: Der Vorname “Simon” שמעון Zeile 7-11, der Nachname “Löwy (Lewi)” לווי Zeile 12-16.
Biografische Notizen
Sterbematriken: Simon Löwy, geb. in Mattersdorf, verwitwet, Hausierer, gest. 14. Dezember 1886, mit 70 Jahren an Altersschwäche, in Mattersdorf
Personenregister jüdischer Friedhof Mattersburg
Simon Löwy was also called Simon Schnürmacher. His father Mihaly Löwy (born ca 1790) was known sometimes as Michael Schnürmacher. Mihahly adopted the Löwy surname because his own father’s first name was Löwy.
Löwy Schnürmacher was the son of Hirschl Schnürmacher (born ca 1737) and Hanele (Chana) Schischa (born ca 1747). Hanele’s Schischa ancestors can be tracked back to the 1600s.
Can you please tell me the name of the father?
Hi Carole,
is only mentioned the name of his mother: Esterl.
do you know if Lina Lowy could be Carolina Binder who came to live in Vienna
Simon Löwy was the son of Mihaly Löwy and Anna Breuer. He married Kati and they had six children:
1. Markus Löb
2. Zina (Zilly) who married Leopold Brandweiner
3. Leonore (Lina)
4. Fani (Fradel) who married Samuel Hirsch
5. Samuel (Zuriel) who married Josefa Spitzer
6. Moritz (Moses) who married Kati (Golde) Mandel
The Loewy surname usually indicates that the person is a Segal, a Levite, and the symbol of the pitcher is traditional on the tombstone. Yet, the gravestone of Simon Loewy lacks the symbol. It appears that Simon Loewy may not be a Segal.