Luphka Steinhof, 03. Adar II 5676 (Mittwoch, 08. März 1916)
Der Vorname לופקה “Luphka” (oder wie immer es gelesen wird) ist mir leider unbekannt. Ich übernehme hier (vorläufig) die Schreibung Öhlers.
Die Verstorbene war laut Zeile 4 der hebräischen Inschrift die Gattin d(es ehrbaren) H(errn) Israel Steinhof, s(ein Licht) m(öge leuchten) אשת כה ישראל שטיינהאף נ”י. Der Ehemann lebt also noch bei ihrem Ableben.
Als Akrostichon findet sich von Zeile 6 – 10 ihr Vorname “Luphka?” לופקה.
Der Name ihrer Mutter war (Zeile 12) “Jentel/Jentl” יענטל.
Personenregister jüdischer Friedhof Mattersburg
I believe it is Lina Steinhof, daughter of Julie (Jentel, née Phillip) and Jakob Rosenthal. She was wife of Sandor (Isidor?) Steinhof and had a son named Moshe Dov (Moritz) who was murdered with his family in the holocaust.
His camp documents state that both his parents had died in Sopron: Lina in 1917, and Sandor in 1941.
the document on Arolsen Archives:
and – Jentel Rosenthal’s mother was named Lupka!
She must be the wife of Israel Meyer Steinhof (born 1842) who was the son of Wilhelm (Wolf) Steinhof. Israel Meyer Steinhof married Sara Weiss in 1876.She was the daughter of Salaom Weiss. Perhaps Sara is Luphka.
There was a Israel Steinhof who was born in 1847 to his father Philip [Yom Tov Lipman] Steinhof. but he was married to Rivkah Gelles [daughter of Ahron Dov Ber Gelles].
This Israel Steinhof had a grand-daughter with the name ‘Lupka’ Steinhof [daughter of his son Moshe Dov] that was murdered in WW2.
Since Lupka’s husband was alive at the time of her death, it cannot be Israel Meyer (who died 11 years earlier)