Abraham Kohn (Katz), 05. Adar 5607 (Sonntag, 21. Februar 1847)
Dass das Jahresdatum als 607 (1847) תרז gelesen werden muss und nicht eventuell als 606 (1846) תרו bestätigt die Angabe des Wochentages im Sterbedatum, nämlich “Sonntag” יום א.
Der Vater von Abraham, Mordechai Katz, lebt noch beim Ableben seines Sohnes (hebräische Inschrift, Zeile 8).
Abraham Katz heiratete am 26. März 1833 Hendl Kohn Hendl Kohn, siehe den Kommentar von Carole Vogel.
Der Name “Katz” ist ein hebräisches Akronym und bedeutet “Priester der Gerechtigkeit” כהן צדק. “Katz” ist damit ein sogenannter Stammesname, der Träger ein “Kohen” (Priester) כהן.
Zum Symbol der segnenden Hände siehe meinen Artikel “Der Herr segne und behüte dich“.
Biografische Notizen
Neffe: Moritz (Mose) Kohn, gest. 21. März 1904, siehe Kommentar von Carole G. Vogel
Personenregister jüdischer Friedhof Mattersburg
This is the translation of Abraham’s Kohn’s tombstone inscription provided by Yitzchok Stroh:
His soul departed Sunday the 5th of Adar 5567
Here is buried the Abraham Katz
Abraham died with a good name. He went in the ways of the good all his days. Morning and evening he went to prayers and supplications. He bore the yolk with his friends. And he enjoyed the toil of his hands until his end.
He is Avraham ZL the son of Mordechai Katz, may he live. (This shows that his father is still alive.)
Abraham Kohn is my g-g-g-grandfather, the husband of Hendl Kohn whose gravestone has already been posted on this blog. Abraham’s youngest grandchild is still alive at age 107 and she will be very excited to see this image.
Abraham Kohn was born about 13 Mar 1808 in Mattersdorf. The death record in the Mattersdorf metrical shows the date as 16 Feb 1847, five days earlier than what is shown here. His father was Moshe Mordechai Kohn and his mother was Babaetha/Betti (Beile) (circa 1787-1847). Abraham died a few months before his mother.
Abraham’s known siblings are:
1. Jakob Loeb Kohn, born 1811
2. Betti (Breindl) Deutsch nee Kohn (her stone is on this blog)
3. Elchanan Kohn, born 1813
4. Markus/Emmanuel (Mendel) Kohn
Of course immediately I’ve linked Hendl Kohn and Abraham Katz in both blogposts and in both comments :)