Schwarz Abraham – 07. Mai 1849

Schwarz Abraham – 07. Mai 1849

Abraham Hirsch Schwarz, 16. Ijjar 609 (= Montag Abend, 07. Mai 1849)

Y-17/19 (Wachstein 859)


Die Grabinschrift

ה”ה המרומם והישר ה’ אברם הרש שווארץ
מילדי ק”ק רעכניץ י”נ יום ג’ ט”ז אייר תר”ט לפ”ק


איש תם וישר עד יום מותו
ברית האמונה היתה חתולתו
ריחם ואהב עניים ומדוכאים
מיאן וריחק את אנשי גאים
צבי תפארת הי’ לבנים ובנותיו
לעדי עד יספרו תהלותיו
פתאום שקעה שמשו וכבה נרו
מצא מנוח והלך אחר אשת נעור’




Der Grabstein ist gebrochen und am Plan unter Y-17 und Y-19 eingezeichnet.


Biografische Notizen

Abraham (Abraham Hirsch) Schwarz, geb. ca. 1789 in Rechnitz (im Sterbebuch Eisenstadt ist Eisenstadt als Geburtsort eingetragen, in der hebräischen Grabinschrift Zeile 2 Rechnitz!), Fleischhauer, gest. 16. Ijjar 609 = Montag Abend, 07. Mai 1849 an Brechdurchfall

Eintrag Sterbebuch Eisenstadt, Abraham Schwarz, 07. Mai 1849
Eintrag Sterbebuch Eisenstadt, Abraham Schwarz, 07. Mai 1849

Aus Rechnitz gebürtig, war Fleischhauer.

Wachstein B., Die Grabinschriften …, a.a.O., 251

Ehefrau: Josefa (Pessel) Schwarz, geb Schönfeld. ca. 1796 in Eisenstadt, “Ehefrau des Abraham Hirsch, Fleischhauer”, gest. 16. Ijjar 609 = Montag Abend, 07. Mai 1849 an Brechdurchfall.


See comment from Chris Waren below. We found 2 Max Schwarz died in 1885, one 15 years old, one 50 years old, see the death entries. We couldn’t find a birth entry for Max Schwarz in Vienna 1832!

Max Schwarz, died 12 Februar 1885 in Vienna, 15 years old (so he must be born ca 1870), cause of death: peritontitis
Max Schwarz, died 17 Juni 1885 in Vienna, 50 years old (so he must be born ca. 1835, cause of death: degeneracy of the abdominal organs
Johanna Bielitz, married Samuel Bielitz 02 April 1854 in Vienna, died 29 November 1902 in Vienna, 76 years old, cause of death: senility. Samuel Bielitz died 11 September 1865 in Vienna.
Johanna Schwarz and Samuel Bielitz had 5 children.


Personenregister älterer jüdischer Friedhof Eisenstadt


3 Kommentare

    1. Dear Mr. Wares, thank you for your comment!

      I’ve updated both blogposts (of Abraham and Josefa Schwarz), both died on May 7 1849, see death entry above (Josefa during the day, Abraham in the late evening)! And the cause of death for both of them was vomiting diarrhea!

      Please see above: I’ve updated too 2 death entries of a Max Schwarz in 1885. From where do you have the birth date 1832? We couldn’t find a birth of Max Schwarz in Vienna 1832.

      I have also added marriage entry and death entry of Johanna Bielitz, see above.

      best, Johannes Reiss

  1. Chris Wares

    Thank you for posting this.

    I believe Abraham Hirsch Schwarz & Pessel Schwarz were the parents of Johanna Schwarz (1826-1902 Vienna) and Max Schwarz (1832-1885 Vienna).

    Johanna was married to Samuel Bielitz, a brandy seller from Papa. They moved to Vienna and had five children but their marriage was an unhappy one as one day he came home and attacked her with an axe. An article in Der Werschetzer Gebirgsbote 25 Sept 1859 describes Johanna as a “meat hacker’s daughter from Eisenstadt”. This to my eye would match the description of Abrahan Hirst being a butcher. If it hadn’t been for your hard work in translating the insciptions I would never have made the connection! Thank you!

    Der Werschetzer Gebirgsbote 25 Sept 1859

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