Pinkas Josef Zvi – 24. Juni 1902

Pinkas Josef Zvi – 24. Juni 1902

Josef Zvi Pinkas, 19. Siwan 5662 (Dienstag, 24. Juni 1902)

  • Foto: Grabstein von Josef Zvi Pinkas, 19. Siwan 5662
  • Datenblatt Isidor Öhler: Josef Zvi Pinkas, 19. Siwan 5662


Josef Zvi Pinkas ist ohne Zweifel der Ehemann von Hanna Pinkas (beachte auch die Ähnlichkeit der beiden Grabsteine!).

Öhler hält “Pinkas” fälschlicherweise für einen weiteren Vornamen. Zu dem in Mattersdorf/-burg gut belegten Nachnamen “Pinkas” siehe die Anmerkungen im Artikel über seine Frau “Hanna Pinkas“.

Zeile 1: Eine sehr schöne Einleitung:
יוסף איננו, Zitat aus Genesis 42,36 “Josef ist nicht mehr …” und danach wird – wohl in Anlehnung an Jesaja 28,1 – auf den zweiten Vornamen des Verstorbenen “Zvi” angespielt:
Das hebräische Wort צבי bedeutet sowohl “Gazelle” (irrtümlich meist “Hirsch” übersetzt) als auch “Zierde, Herrlichkeit”. “Die Pracht der Herrlichkeit sank/ging nieder” oder ähnlich kann der 2. Teil von Zeile 1 übersetzt werden.

In Zeile 3 wird der Verstorbene als “Mann Gottes” אי”א bezeichnet.

Zeile 5 nennt den Vater: Schlomo (= Salomo) Semnitz, der, wie wir aus dem Segenswunsch schließen dürfen, zum Zeitpunkt seines Ablebens ebenfalls schon verstorben war.

Zeile 6: Josef Zvi Pinkas verstarb in gutem Ruf בש”ט.

Als Akrostichon finden sich von Zeile 7 – 12 seine beiden Vornamen und der Segenswunsch:
(7) horizontal: “Josef”,
(7) bis (10): “Josef”,
(11) horizontal: “Zvi”
(12) horizontal (die Anfangsbuchstaben der ersten beiden Wörter): “a(uf ihm sei der) F(rieden)”
יוסף צבי ע”ה.

In Zeile 13 finden wir schließlich noch den Namen seiner Mutter: “Fradl”.


Personenregister jüdischer Friedhof Mattersburg


9 Kommentare

      1. Carole Vogel

        Hi Johannes,

        There was actually a mistake made on the inscription on Joseph Zvi Pinkas’s gravestone. Yitzchok Stroh and I discovered that Joseph Zvi actually died on 19th of Sivan 5658 (9 Jun 1898). We found proof in the Chevra Kadisha ledger of the Mattersdorf community. On the 11th of Elul 1898 (29 Aug 1898) a donation was made to honor the memory of “Josef Hirsch the son of Fradel who had passed away on the 19th of Sivan.” The donation was made by his son Jakob Pinkas who was living in Oedenburg (Sopron, Hungary). There is absolutely no mistake on the dating.

        We have also been able to prove that Joseph Zvi Pinkas is a descendant of the huge Breuer clan that goes back to the mid-to-late 1600s in Mattersdorf. Two circumcision ledgers from Mattersdorf listed the bris of of his son Jakob Pinkas. The first noted that Jakob Löb, the son of Joseph Hirsch PINKAS ,was circumcised on the 22nd of Kislev 5624 (3 Dec 1863). The second noted that Jakob Löb the son of Joseph Hirsch SEMNITZ was circumcised on 22nd of Kislev 5624 (3 Dec 1863). In the Mattersdorf metrical records there is a birth record for Jakob L. Pinkas, born on 21 Nov 1863. The parents were Josef Pinkas and Hany.

        Joseph Zvi Pinkas was the son of Shloima Semnitz who was born into the Breuer family., Shloima used the surname SEMNITZ instead of BREUER. Shloima died between 1829 and 1834, leaving the widow Fradel with two young sons. Fradel married a man named Pinkas. She died on 11 Feb 1863 and was identified as the widow Fani Pinkas in her death record. A few weeks after her death a donation was made to the Mattersdorf Chevra Kadisha from the tzedakah money collected during the shiva for “Mrs. Fradel Semnitz.”

        It appears that Joseph Zvi Semnitz adopted the surname of his stepfather Mr. Pinkas. Otherwise his descendants would have been known by the surname BREUER or SEMNITZ.

          1. Carole Vogel

            I came across that death record and I found it to be very strange. It think it is a bizarre coincidence. Moritz Pinkas had the Hebrew name Marem (nor Josef Zvi) and his mother was Adelheit (not Fany or Fradel). Additonally, Marem did not have a son named Jakob. My best guess is that Josef Zvi Pinkas died someplace in Hungary or Austria and that his body was brought back to Mattersdorf for burial.

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