Steinhof Amalia – 09. Oktober 1908

Steinhof Amalia – 09. Oktober 1908

Amalia Steinhof / Mirl Steinhof, 14.? Tischre 5669 (Freitag, 09. Oktober 1908)

  • Foto: Grabstein von Mirl, 14.? Tischre 5669
  • Datenblatt Isidor Öhler: Mose und Mirl, 12. Kislew u. 14. Tischre 5669
  • Datenblatt Isidor Öhler, Rückseite: Mose und Mirl, 12. Kislew u. 14. Tischre 5669


Da es sich um ein Doppelgrab handelt, erhalten beide Verstorbene einen eigenen Beitrag. Bitte beachten Sie auch bei beiden Beiträgen das Bild des gemeinsamen Grabsteins!

Begraben sind Mutter (rechte Inschrift) und Sohn (linke Inschrift), siehe vor allem auf dem Bild des gemeinsamen Grabsteins ganz oben: rechts: “Mutter” אם, links: “und ihr Sohn” ובנה.

Etwas rätselhaft ist, warum die Inschrift der Mutter doch schlechter erhalten ist als jene des Sohnes. Da die Mutter nur 2 Monate vor ihrem Sohn verstorben ist, ist wohl der gemeinsame Grabstein (ein Jahr später) mit beiden Inschriften gesetzt worden.

Da die Zeilenzählung sonst missverständlich sein könnte, beginnt sie diesmal ausnahmsweise unter der Einleitung “H(ier liegt) g(eborgen)” פ”ט als Zeile 1!

Zeile 5: Der Vorname der Verstorbenen ist gut erkennbar: “Mirl” מירל.

Zeile 6: “Ehefrau d(es ehrbaren) H(errn) Zvi …” אשת כה צבי ש…. Es sieht so aus, als würde vor “Ehefrau” noch ein Buchstabe zu erkennen sein? Folgt dem Vornamen “Zvi” ein Nachname, der mit “Sch” beginnt? Einen Segenswunsch würde ich aufgrund der Länge eher ausschließen.

Zeile 7: Das Datum ist gut lesbar, nur das Tagesdatum ist unsicher: “Sie verstarb am 14. Tischre 669” נפטרה ביום יד תשרי תרסט.

Update 14. 12. 2014: Die Differenz zwischen Sterbedatum in der Inschrift und jenem in den Matriken (von 1 Tag) ist nicht zu erklären. Da aber in der hebräischen Inschrift ein יג תשרי ausgeschlossen werden kann, bleiben wir in der Indizierung beim 09. Oktober.

In Zeile 8 erkenne ich bloß sicher, dass sie “dasselbst (also in Mattersdorf) begraben wurde” ותקבר בו.

Zeile 9: “[…?] es beweinten sie ihre Kinder (Söhne) und all ihre Bekannten” ויבכו אותה בניה וכל מכיריה.

Zeile 10 nennt schließlich die Vornamen ihrer Mutter: “Fradl Chaj(a)” פראדל חי”.

Biografische Notizen

Sterbematriken (siehe unten Kommentar von Carole Vogel!): Amalia (Mirl) Steinhof, gest. 08. Oktober 1908, im Alter von 75 Jahren


Vater: Bernard Bauer (weiland)
Mutter: Fanny Fuchs (weiland)


Ehemann: Heinrich Steinhof


Personenregister jüdischer Friedhof Mattersburg


15 Kommentare

          1. Janet

            Line 8:
            הלכה כל ימיה בדרך האמת והיושר ותקבר בו
            = She walked all her days in the way of truth and honesty and was buried [in] the same [way? day?
            בו refers to something mentioned in the same text, usually right before or after].
            I think it is בו ביום
            = on the same day. Perhaps the faded word beginning line 9 is ביום, with the ב half cut out of the photo? it is possible, but barely legible.

            She must have been buried on the same day since it was a Friday, although 8 Oct 1908 was Thursday. The difference in dates between the record and the headstone can be explained by the fact that the Hebrew date changes at sundown whereas the Gregorian changes at midnight. Thus, any event that occurs between downfall and midnight will have the Hebrew date of the “next” day. 8 Oct 1908 after sundown was 14 Tishrei 5669.

          2. Janet

            Line 6:

            The letters after צבי seem to be שה (short for שטיינהוף/Steinhof). The small letters look like יח (short for יחי/יחיה = may he live, her husband was still alive at the time)

            Line 8:
            הלכה כל ימיה בדרך האמת והיושר ותקבר בו
            = She walked all her days in the way of truth and honesty and was buried [in] the same [way? day? בו refers to something mentioned in the same text, usually right before or after].
            I think it is בו ביום = on the same day. Perhaps the faded word beginning line 9 is ביום, with the ב half cut out of the photo? it is possible, but barely legible.

            the last part that didn’t go through:

            She must have been buried on the same day since it was a Friday. The difference in dates between the record and the headstone can be explained by the fact that the Hebrew date changes at sundown whereas the Gregorian changes at midnight. Thus, any event that occurs between downfall and midnight will have the Hebrew date of the “next” day.

            1. Janet

              She must have been buried on the same day since it was a Friday, although 8 Oct 1908 was Thursday. The difference in dates between the record and the headstone can be explained by the fact that the Hebrew date changes at sundown whereas the Gregorian changes at midnight. Thus, any event that occurs between downfall and midnight will have the Hebrew date of the “next” day. 8 Oct 1908 after sundown was 14 Tishrei 5669

            2. Janet

              She must have been buried on the same day since it was a Friday. The difference in dates between the record and the headstone can be explained by the fact that the Hebrew date changes at sundown whereas the Gregorian changes at midnight. Thus, any event that occurs between downfall and midnight will have the Hebrew date that matches the next Gregorian day.

  1. Janet

    Line 6: The letters after צבי seem to be שה (short for שטיינהוף/Steinhof). The small letters look like יח (short for יחי/יחיה = may he live, her husband was still alive at the time)

    Line 8:
    הלכה כל ימיה בדרך האמת והיושר ותקבר בו
    = She walked all her days in the way of truth and honesty and was buried [in] the same [way? day? בו refers to something mentioned in the same text, usually right before or after].
    I think it is בו ביום = on the same day. Perhaps the faded word beginning line 9 is ביום, with the ב half cut out of the photo? it is possible, but barely legible.

    She must have been buried on the same day since it was a Friday, although 8 Oct 1908 was Thursday. The difference in dates between the record and the headstone can be explained by the fact that the Hebrew date changes at sundown whereas the Gregorian changes at midnight. Thus, any event that occurs between downfall and midnight will have the Hebrew date of the “next” day. 8 Oct 1908 after sundown was 14 Tishrei 5669.

  2. Janet

    the difference in dates can be easily explained: the Hebrew date changes at sundown. the Gregorian date changes at midnight. the calendars don’t show this gap and so for any birth/death that is between sundown and midnight, the two dates do not appear as the same day on the calendar.
    The night of 8 october was already 14 tishrei.

    line 6 – after the husband’s name, I think it is
    ש”ה יח׳ – SH (=steinhof), may he live. often used when mentioning a living relative.

    line 8 –
    הלכה כל ימיה בדרך האמת והישר ותקבר בו
    she walked all her days in the way of the truth and honesty and in the same (way?) she was buried.


  3. Carole Vogel

    This is Amalia (Mirl) Steinhof.. Here is an abstract from her death record:
    Maria Steinhof death record. Date of death: 8 Oct 1908. Age: 75 (born circa 1833). Spouse: Heinrik Steinhof. Parents: Bernard Bauer and Fanny Fuchs, both deceased.

    Her husband Heinrich (Hirsch) Steinhof died in 1910.

    The dead son is Mór Steinhof who was unmarried.

    Here is the abstract of his death record: Date of death: 6 Dec 1908. Age: 44 (born circa 1864). Parents: Heinrik Bauer and the deceased Maria Bauer. Occupation: szabómester (master tailor).

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