Neufeld (Gschies) Meir – 19. April 1782

Neufeld (Gschies) Meir – 19. April 1782

Meir ben Salman Neufeld, 05. Ijjar 542 (= Freitag, 19. April 1782)

W-12 (Wachstein 384)

  • Grabstein Meir ben Salman Neufeld, 05. Ijjar 542
  • älterer jüdischer Friedhof Eisenstadt, Sektor W

Die Grabinschrift

איש ישר כמר מאיר
בן כ’ זלמן נ”פ ז”ל נפטר
בעש”ק ו’ אייר תקמ”ב ל’



Biografische Notizen

Nach seinem Schwiegervater auch ‘Gschies’ zubenannt, Stammvater der Familie Mayer.

Wachstein B., Die Grabinschriften …, a.a.O., 145 (Fußnote 2)

Ehefrau: Rösel Neufeld, gest. 23. Jänner 1793


Tochter: Jentel Frau Simeon, gest. 09. Oktober 1811


Sohn: Gabriel Mayer (Neufeld), gest. 18. September 1825

Vater und Sohn sind nebeneinander begraben.


Personenregister älterer jüdischer Friedhof Eisenstadt


Ein Kommentar

  1. Carole Vogel

    In 1739, the Jews from the neighboring community of Neufeld (who were also under the protection of the Esterházys) were permanently expelled from their homes, ostensibly to stop the spread of an epidemic. They were resettled in Eisenstadt, Mattersdorf, and the five other Jewish communities in the region.

    In Mattersdorf the exiles from Neufeld were compelled to drop whatever last name that they had used in their former home and were required to adopt the surname NEUFELD.

    It appears that this happened in Eisenstadt also. Therefore people with the surname of NEUFELD are not necessarily kin but it can be assumed that the family originally came from Neufeld.

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