Deutsch Sarl – 25. Juli 1881

Deutsch Sarl – 25. Juli 1881

Sarl Deutsch, 28. Tammus 5641 (Montag, 25. Juli 1881)

  • Foto: Grabstein von Sarl Deutsch, 28. Tammus 5641
  • Datenblatt Isidor Öhler: Sarl Deutsch, 28. Tammus 5641
  • Datenblatt Isidor Öhler, Rückseite: Sarl Deutsch, 28. Tammus 5641


Öhler liest in der 1. Zeile “25” כה. Die Matriken legen aber die – wohl auch aus der Perspektive der hebräischen Inschrift um einen Hauch wahrscheinlichere Lesung – “28” כח nahe.

Der Ehemann von Sarl Deutsch, Isak Deutsch, dürfte zum Zeitpunkt ihres Todes noch leben, da weder die hebräische Inschrift noch die Matriken das Gegenteil bezeugen.

Sarl Deutsch wird in der 3. Zeile der hebräischen Inschrift als מפורסמת, (wörtlich) “berühmte Frau” bezeichnet.

Vorname und Nachname der Verstorbenen finden sich als Akrostichon in der Inschrift von Zeile 6-13 שרל דייטש, Zeile 14 zeigt akzentuiert geschrieben den Segenwunsch ע”ה “a(uf ihr sei der) F(riede)”.


Biografische Notizen

Sterbematriken: Rosalia (Sarl) Deutsch, geb. in Mattersburg, verheiratet, Kaufmannsfrau, gest. 25. Juli 1881, mit 75 Jahren an einem Herzinfarkt in Mattersburg


Ehemann: Isak Deutsch


Personenregister jüdischer Friedhof Mattersburg


5 Kommentare

  1. Carole G. Vogel

    Sarl Deutsch (1806-1881) is my great-great-great-grandmother! She appears in the records as Sali, Sara, and Lea Sara, as well as Sarl. She was the daughter of Israel (Yisroel) Zelzer (Zilz) (1760-1835) and his wife Fany (Fradel) (circa1767-1847). She had two known brothers, Eduard (Ephraim) Zilzer and Albert (Abele) Zelzer. Her paternal grandparents were Rabbi Aharon Ephraim Tziltz and Raizel. The Zelzer family likely originated in Zuelz, Silesia and came to Mattersdorf via Prague. Sarl apparently lived her whole life in Mattersdorf.

    On 11 Aug 1835, Sarl married Isak (Ignatz) Deutsch son of Mandel (Menachem) Deutsch and Ginendal. They had at least eight children, and I have been able to track the descendants of seven of them, some to the present day. Isak was a leather merchant and a very learned man as he was given the title of moranu.

    1. Carole G. Vogel

      Here is the transcription of the inscription on Sarl Deutsch’s gravestone, courtesy of Ytischok Stroh:
      She died with a good name 24 Tammuz 5641
      Here is buried; the famous woman Mrs. Sarl the wife of moranu Yitzchok Deutsch.
      Her years have ended but her deeds are still alive.
      She pursued charity and kindness without laziness.
      She spread her palms open with a double portion to all.
      The oppressed and the embittered she accepted with a shining countenance.
      The orphans and widows ate from her bread.
      Weak hands and stumbling knees she strengthened.
      Before people asked, her hands were outstretched.
      Morning and evening her house was open to all
      Peace be upon her until the coming of the harbinger of peace.

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