Blüh Adolfo – 1922

Blüh Adolfo – 1922

Personenrgister jüdischer Friedhof Fiume/Rijeka

Adolfo (Ahron) Blüh, 1922


Grabstein Adolfo Blüh, 1922
Grabstein Adolfo Blüh, 1922



Die hebräische Grabinschrift

Inschrift Blueh Adolfo: Zeilengerechte Transkription und Übersetzung
[1] H(ier liegt) b(egraben) פ”נ
[2] Ahron, Sohn des Samuel. אהרן בן שמואל
[3] S(eine Seele) m(öge) e(ingebunden sein) i(m Bündel) d(es Lebens). ת”נ”צ”ב”ה”

Biografische Notizen

Adolfo (Ahron) Blüh, geb. 1853, gest. 1922

Vater: Samuel Blüh


Personenrgister jüdischer Friedhof Fiume/Rijeka


2 Kommentare

  1. Katalin Rizmayer

    Up to our family notes Adolf Blüh was born in 1853 in Veľké Orvište, today Slovakia. His father was Samuel Blüh, a carpenter (buried in Piestany old jewish cemetary), his mother was Maria Wolf. I have picture of both of them. Adolf Blüh moved to Fiume in the late 1880’s and established a transport company. Around 1894 he married Berta Spitzer from Győr, Hungary, and they had 8 daughters, one of them is the great grandmother of my children. I visited Adolf Blüh’s grave in June 2018, thank you for this recording which helped me to understand the hebrew inscription of the grave stone.

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